Friday (Plus One Day) Round-up

Friday Round-upWelcome to the Friday (plus one day) Round-up! I was so busy going, going, going yesterday that I just couldn’t fit this in. (that’s what she said) But, hey, this is my blog, and I do what I want, so Friday (plus one day) Round-up it is!

I didn’t save a ton on Pocket this week, and most of it was work related. But I know I have at least three writers following the blog (hi, friends!), so maybe it’ll be helpful to someone.

First up, a book series bible using Scrivener. I’ve been planning to start a series bible for a while now and am trying to figure out the best/easiest/most conducive to my brain way to do it. The reason this one popped up was because Aeon Timeline is on sale now through 4/25. Even if you don’t want or need a series bible, I’ve heard nothing but good things about this particular program.

Another thing I’ve wanted to try for keeping my book/series plans organized is One Note. I mean…some of the stuff I’ve seen people do with this is so awesome. And it totally speaks to how my brain works. I just need to sit down and dive in. That’s going on my to-do list for Monday. Also, did I mention One Note is freeeeeeee?

Finally, I’ve been contemplating a FitBit (or something similar) a lot lately. Mostly because my orthopedic surgeon wants me walking a certain number of steps every day and my piece of shit free phone tracker doesn’t work. But, listen, it doesn’t excite me to wear a plain black/red/pink/purple band all day every day. Even if you throw that color on there, it’s still just a band to me. Enter Funktional Wearables. I haven’t had time to really dig in and see everything they’ve got, but from what I have seen, they’re super cute.

Whoops! I said finally, but one last thing… Found out this week that Season of Second Chances, a second chance romance with a hot single dad (there may be nail painting in here, but you’ll have to read to verify), is on sale for only 99 pennies. I have no idea how long it will stay this price on Amazon, so if this sounds like something you’d like, snag it now! As I was sleuthing the pricing, I also noticed Plus One, a friends to lovers, best friend’s brother story, is also on sale for $1.24! That’s both of them for about half the price of one. Not a bad deal!

That’s it for this week! Have a great weekend. My oldest is having a sleepover tonight, so it’ll be hours of screaming/giggling/obnoxiousness in my house. Here’s hoping your night is quieter and filled with lots of books. See you Monday!

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